Maria Banach to Lead Operations and R&D

Sublime Stericeuticals is pleased to welcome

Maria Banach as head of Operations and R&D. Her background includes 20 years of analytical and process chemistry for within pharmaceutical manufacturers and analytical labs. Maria’s expertise in chemistry, R&D, operations, and project leadership fits with Sublimes’ goal of expediting fill-finish processes, specifically lyophilization.
“Maria has been a thought leader and change agent in our industry from day one. We’re excited to have her strategic thinking, and ability to drive new possibilities forward. Her deep insights into the challenges that drug makers face will keep us focused on their needs.” – Joel Lennon-Meyer
Near the top of Maria’s list will be the development of protocols to study critical quality attributes. This will contribute heavily to product development and go-to-market strategy. Banach also serves as the principal investigator on R&D projects.
“I’ve enjoyed collaborating with Joel and crew on projects over several years. Sublime represents a real opportunity to affect change for big pain points in pharma. It’s a great fit!” – Maria Banach
Maria enjoys time with family and friends in lots of outdoor activities including mountain biking, kayaking, backpacking and skiing.